1マンクス(東京都) [JP]2020/01/05(日) 22:24:17.26ID:bbH39mPJ0?PLT(19081)
HEARTBREAKING footage shows the charred remains of dead koalas and kangaroos - as experts fear the devastating Australian wildfires have killed a BILLION animals.
A horrific video shows the chilling scenes of burnt animal corpses lining the road of Batlow in New South Wales - one of the areas worst hit by the infernos over the weekend.
It comes as 24 people were killed and 200,000 homes were destroyed in the horrifying bushfires.
Sydney was declared the hottest place on earth yesterday with temperatures rocketing to nearly 50C as fires continued to rip through the area.
100白黒(東京都) [KE]2020/01/06(月) 00:35:53.73ID:to2XsVxL0