1フロントネックロック(東京都) [EU]2019/07/15(月) 17:31:48.53ID:J7n+/qmx0?PLT(16000)
Girl with head bent at 90 degrees still waiting for surgery two years on



A girl who was promised surgery to fix her bent neck is still
waiting almost two years on. Afsheen Kumbar, 11, hit the headlines in 2017
after pictures of her with her head bent at a 90 degree angle went viral.
The little girl hurt her neck when she had a fall at eight-months-old,
and her parents couldn’t take her to hospital as they had no money.
In February 2018, Afsheen secured a sponsor and was taken to Agha Khan
University Hospital in Karachi for a possible surgery.
However, due to a marriage in the family, the planned surgery was delayed.

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